Terms and Conditions

These conditions and other information on our website form the contract between you and us. When you contact us to book your tour, you appoint us to act as your agent to get you a flight, ground package and / or and other services. When we have done so, and you have confirmed the booking and paid the deposit, we will accept responsibility for providing your tour from that point onwards. You must take out travel insurance or we may not accept your booking. Any money you pay to us for air travel under these booking conditions is protected under Air Travel Organisers Licence 6181. We act as authorized agents of Scott’s Travel of Southgate. Your contract will be governed by English Law and any disputes will be dealt with in the courts of England and Wales.

The contract

We are On Site Events Ltd, trading as On Site Motorsports, and our registered office is Wimbledon Village Business Centre, Thornton House, Wimbledon, London, SW19 4NG (registration number 05066204).

A. Bookings and payments
On receipt of your payment, a confirmation invoice outlining the itinerary will be sent by return. A contract will exist as soon as we issue our confirmation invoice. The person who completes a booking by telephone, by e-mail or by post is the ‘lead name’. He or she must be over 18 years of age and is responsible for payment of the total booking price and subsequent cancellation or amendment charges that may be payable. He or she also agrees to provide accurate and full information to the remainder of the travelling party in relation to the booking, including any changes thereto and confirms that all the other members of the party, including any that may be added at a later date, agree to be bound by these conditions, and all other information in the relevant websites (as applicable).

The remainder of the tour cost must be paid no later than 12 weeks before you depart. If we do not receive the deposit or balance by the due date, we can treat the booking as cancelled by you and ask you to pay cancellation charges as described in section B of these conditions. We do not usually send reminders for money we are owed.

B. Changes or cancellations by you

If you ask to change your booking after confirmation (for example, transferring to a different hotel, ferry, tour or airport) you must write or phone, and we will try to meet your requests wherever possible. If you add people to your booking, they are added on the understanding that they have also accepted these booking conditions. If we can change your tour, we will issue a revised holiday invoice to confirm this and any increased costs as a result of the change.

Cost of changes

If we receive notice more than twelve weeks before you leave, and we can make the change, we will do our utmost to make the requested changes and if we are able to do so, amendment charges will be applied. When the change is only to the name of the passenger, the charge will be a minimum of £50 per changed name. With other changes, charges vary according to the type of travel arrangements but the amount charged shall be no less than £50 per person per amended component of the tour.

If you make changes within twelve weeks of departure, you will have to pay cancellation charges as set out below except when you need to change a party member if a person is prevented from taking the tour. In this situation, that person may transfer their place on the booking to someone else as long as you let us know at least 28 days before you leave. You will have to pay £50 for each person. Other than in this situation, the new arrangements made within twelve weeks of you leaving will mean you have an entirely new booking.

If you make name or date changes involving scheduled service airlines we would normally treat this as full cancellation. You will then have to pay any cost of cancellation and rebooking flight seats on scheduled service airlines. If the number of people travelling changes, we will charge you a new price on the basis of the new size of your party. Any increase in price as a result of cancellation (for example, if only one person stays in a room) will be shown on the new invoice.

Cost of cancellations

  • More than 12 weeks prior to departure: Loss of Deposit(s)
  • 12 – 8 weeks prior to departure: 80% of the full tour price
  • Less than 8 weeks prior to departure: 100% of the full tour price

If you or any member of your party need to cancel your booking, or part of it, once it has been confirmed, the person listed as the lead name on the booking must do this in writing. The charges you must pay are shown above and are worked out from the date we receive your written notification. You may make a claim against your insurance policy if your cancellation is covered by the policy you have taken out.

In the event of a part cancellation, cost of cancellation of each component shall be the same percentage as if the entire tour were being cancelled.

Please be aware however that extras to the tour price such as entrance tickets, grandstand seats and hospitality will always incur a 100% cancellation as will other types of expense incurred by us in making your booking on which no refunds are available from our suppliers.

C. Changes or cancellations by us

It is unlikely that we will have to change your tour. However, we can make changes to and correct errors in both the website and tour details before and after you have booked your tour.

Significant changes we make

If we need to change the contract significantly, we will tell you or your agent as soon as possible if there is time before your departure. A significant change is one that we make to your tour arrangements before you leave that involves changing:

You will have the choice of:

  • accepting the changed arrangements notified to you
  • buying another tour from us and paying or receiving a refund for any price difference; or
  • cancelling your tour and receiving a full refund of all the money you paid us.


You must let us know your decision within 10 days. We regret we cannot be responsible for any losses or expenses you suffer.

Details in the tour itinerary produced at the time of booking are for information purposes only – accurate
details will be shown on the joining instructions which are included with the travel documentation.

Circumstances outside our control

We do not accept any liability if our performance is prevented or affected by an event beyond our control which we or our suppliers could not expect or avoid even with all due care, including but not limited to:

  • war or threat of war, riots or hostilities
  • events arising out of UK or foreign political instability
  • terrorist activity
  • industrial disputes
  • natural or nuclear disasters
  • epidemics and /or pandemics
  • fire
  • bad weather conditions
  • technical problems to transport
  • airports or ports being closed or full
  • cancellation or changes of schedules by scheduled service airlines
  • insolvency of any tour supplier
  • any similar event


Cancellation by us

In circumstances outside our control, it may be necessary for us to cancel your booking. In such circumstances, we will notify you of the cancellation as soon as possible. Following such cancellation, we will refund you all or part of the monies paid. In other circumstances, such as insufficient demand, it may be necessary to cancel your booking. In such circumstances, we will notify you of the cancellation as soon as possible. We will then offer you a similar tour, if one is available, or we will refund all monies you paid to us except any insurance premiums.

Our liability

We accept responsibility if the services we provide are poor or not of a reasonable standard. We also accept responsibility for the acts of our employees, agents, suppliers and subcontractors as long as they were at the time carrying out work we authorised. This does not apply if you die, are injured, become ill or if any of the events set out in the paragraph on Circumstances outside our control happen.

We accept responsibility if you or any member of your party dies, is injured or becomes ill because we do not perform any part of the contract with you unless:

  • it was the fault of the person who died, was injured or became ill;
  • somebody else was at fault which we could not have expected or avoided; or
  • an event happens which either we or the supplier of the services could not have expected or avoided.


It is a condition of this agreement that you tell us about any claim according to the procedure set out in clause D. If we pay you, you must give us or our insurers any rights you may have to take action against anyone else. You must also give us and our insurers any help we need.

For air, rail, road and sea carriers and hoteliers our liability is limited as if we were carriers or hoteliers within the appropriate international conventions. The most we will have to pay you for claims is the most we would have to pay if we were a carrier or hotelier. For all claims which result from international travel, we can only pay compensation if the carrier would have to pay compensation if you made a claim against them in the same situation. In all cases except for personal injury, illness or death, the most we will pay is the full holiday price for the people affected, a refund of any expenses directly connected with your claim and a daily amount of £50 for each person. This applies when everything has gone wrong and you have had no enjoyment from your holiday. In any other situation we will only pay you part of this amount, taking into account all relevant circumstances.

If there are circumstances outside our control, we may have to change or end your holiday after you leave, but before the scheduled end of your trip. This is extremely unlikely, but if it does happen, we will not pay you any compensation or any other expenses you have to pay because of our action. For loss or damage to luggage or personal possessions (including money) our liability is limited to £35 for each person, because we assume you have got enough travel insurance.

Conditions of carriage

Transport by rail, ship or coach will depend on the conditions of carriage of the relevant carrier. These conditions of carriage may limit or exclude the carrier’s liability to you under international law (such as the Warsaw Convention).

D. Complaints

We can sort out problems on the spot if we know about them. If you want to complain, please do the

  1. Tell our representative or local agent and the relevant service supplier immediately so that we can take action.
  2. If the problem cannot be sorted out, the person listed as the lead name on the booking form should get a customer relations report form and return it to our representative, local agent or service supplier. Then the person listed as the lead name on the booking form must write (quoting the booking reference and giving full details) to: Customer Relations, On Site Events Ltd, Wimbledon Village Business Centre, Thornton House, Wimbledon, London, SW19 4NG or via email at info@onsite-motorsports.com
  3. All complaints must be made within 14 days of your return home.

E. Your Responsibilities

Passport & Visa Requirements

Your specific passport and visa requirements, and other immigration requirements are your responsibility and you should confirm these with the relevant Embassies and / or Consulates. We do not accept any responsibility if you cannot travel because you have not complied with any passport, visa or immigration requirements.


If in our opinion or the opinion of any airline pilot, accommodation manager or other person in authority you are behaving in a way which will cause or be likely to cause danger, distress or annoy others or damage property, your holiday arrangements may be ended. If this happens, we will not pay you anything.

We reserve the right and you hereby authorise us to charge your credit or debit card for any damage incurred to your room or the accommodation during your stay (including without limitation specialist cleaning) or for any items that are missing when you leave. In any event, you are responsible for such damage or loss and will be liable for the amount to make good the damge or loss.

Track Sessions

As part of our Booking Conditions, a contract will exist as soon as we issue our confirmation invoice. If we provide a confirmation invoice which includes a track lap or parade lap (where you use your own vehicle) it is implicit that all participants on the booking will be undertaking these activities entirely at their own risk; you will also be asked to sign an indemnity. It is strongly recommended that you check with your insurer with regard to using your vehicle on a racing circuit. All track sessions will have a pace car and under no circumstances can the pace car be overtaken. It is mandatory to wear a helmet.

F. Insurance

For your own protection, you and all members of your party must have insurance for the full period of your tour.

When booking your holiday, protecting yourself is important; once you leave the UK, the free Health Service you receive will stop. If you decide to travel without insurance and suffer from an accident or injury, there is a possibility of a large bill for treatment.

Travel Insurance not only covers medical costs but also provides additional cover for cancelled holidays, delays, lost luggage and the like. Cover may also be considered for pre-existing medical conditions.

As the Covid-19 pandemic has shown, travel insurance is an absolute necessity for any trip abroad. It should be taken out as soon as you have booked any trip abroad – only then are you immediately covered for an array of circumstances.

As a tour operator, under current legislation, we are not allowed to sell travel insurance. As travel policies do vary hugely in their protection, it is indeed best for you to seek out the travel insurance that serves you best.

We do make travel insurance a condition of booking – for your protection. At the time of booking, On Site Events strongly recommend taking out a travel insurance policy. If you have your own policy with another provider, we do require you to provide us with the details of your policy (insurance company name, contact number / policy number)

Some rely on the EHIC European Health Insurance card. This is a good start but simply cannot replace the wide scope of a good travel insurance. Also, this basic cover will be phased out after due to Brexit.

The new post Brexit health card is the Global Health Insurance Card and you can freely register for this card on line at www.nhs.uk/using-the-nhs/healthcare-abroad/apply-for-a-free-uk-global-health-insurance-card-ghic

Data Protection

Our data protection policies are continually updated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which was enforceable from May 2019. We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office, registration number ZA327433.

We are totally committed to protecting the privacy and security of both our site visitors and customers. For all our services, the data controller (the company that is responsible for your privacy on the site) is On Site Events Limited.

Your information is used by us in several different ways. Please see below to show what we do with your information, and why:

Your contact details: To create booking contracts and invoices and to ensure your booking form, itinerary and race passes are posted out to the correct person and address (by buying from us, we have a contract to fulfil, and we can’t fulfil without these details).

  • Send you service messages via e-mail, such as an order confirmation / up-dates / balance invoices.
  • Send you information about motorsport, related travel and experiences.
  • To keep you up to date about products and services available.
  • Payment information is used to take payments. We do not keep details of credit cards on file.
  • Your contract history with us such as emails and letters is kept to enable us to provide customer service, experience and aftercare.


Sharing your information with others

We do not, and will not, sell any of your personal data to any third party – this includes but is not specific to your name, address, email address or credit / debit card details.

We do however share your details with the following type of companies as an essential part of being able to provide the full range of services to you:

  • Companies that ensure your itineraries / race passes arrive to you, such as couriers / delivery services, and the initial payment service provider.
  • Companies that provide tickets or hospitality (eg cross channel operators, hospitality suppliers, race circuits et al.)
  • Professional service providers, such as our accountant and website host who help our business to

Marketing messages and mailing lists

We like to keep you aware of the latest developments in the world of motorsport, as well as services and
trips you might be interested in.

You can stop receiving our e-mails at any time. To do this you can:

  • Click on the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of any of our marketing e-mails
  • By getting in touch with us at info@onsite-events or via telephone 0203 946 9321


Once you do this, we will update your details to ensure no more marketing messages are sent to you.

Unsubscribing does not stop us from sending you any service communications regarding an order you have placed or a trip or an event you are attending.

Keeping your information

We will keep your information only for as long as is needed to be able to provide our services to you. If reasonably necessary, or if the data is required to meet legal or regulatory requirements we may also keep hold of some of your information as required, even after it is no longer needed to provide the services to you.

Changes to our privacy policy

We reserve the right to change our privacy policy from time to time and any changes we may make will be posted on this page and will be effective immediately upon posting.


All information published on the www.onsite-motorsport.com website is protected by copyright and is the sole property of On Site Events Ltd unless mentioned otherwise. It is intended solely for the private use of the individual reader and may not under any circumstances be retransmitted in any form, repackaged in any way or resold through any media, without the prior written permission of On Site Events Ltd. On Site Events Ltd strives to ensure that the information it supplies is correct, but does not accept any liability for error or omission.

As far as we are aware, all photos used on this site have been obtained with permission and credit has been given where requested. If you see any images for which you believe proper permission has not been given, please contact the webmaster with full details. Any disputed images will be removed from the site until the matter has been resolved.