How much does it cost to stay at Le Mans 24 Hours hotels and chateaux?
Prices fluctuate and are subject to change. We can advise you on the latest availability and pricing for Le Mans 24 Hours hotels and chateaux, as well as race tickets, hospitality and travel packages. Think about how long you want to stay too. Is it just for the endurance race weekend or longer to catch the drivers parade, qualifying lap and entertainment?
Contact us to discuss your needs
Let us help you plan your Le Mans 24 Hours experience
This remarkable endurance race, with its curves and straights spanning the Bugatti racetrack and national main roads, is a spectacle like no other. Don’t miss it!
We’re here to answer your questions and organise your Le Mans 24 Hours experience. Please contact us and one of our friendly staff will help you.
We’re a trusted operator with 25 years experience at Le Mans. On Site Motorsports is an official ACO approved 24 Hours of Le Mans and Le Mans Classic supplier. We have a wealth of experience in helping our customers to enjoy this legendary motorsport travel destination.
We’d love to help you create a wonderful personalised trip to Le Mans.